19th (2025) Examination Application Form

Please contact us from here after paying the final competition fee for the 19th (2025).
Payment link (A.Stripe or B.TransferWise) is at the bottom of this page.

*Once payment is complete, please attach proof of payment to the form below.
*If you would like to be the official accompanist for the string instrument section, please transfer the official accompaniment fee of 18,000 yen.

*Required input field

*Reception number 19ー
The reception number is the 7-digit number written in the preliminary reception email.(example 18-16313)
*Name First name
Last name
*Mail address
*Transfer date month day


About participation fees
*Please apply after completing the transfer of the final selection fee.
*Please be sure to enter the participating department and name when making the transfer.

*Transfer name
*Transfer amount
*Proof of payment when applying online ×

*it will be necessary to attach proof of payment when applying online, so please be prepared.
Proof is “usage statement / transfer receipt / bankbook record / website transfer completion screen
/ Transfer completion email, etc.” The format does not matter, but you need something that shows the transfer date, amount, and transfer destination.


Payment Link

*Bank charge will be burden by the applicants.
This page is for overseas residents who want to pay the participation fee with Stripe.

Bank Information –
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Roppongi Branch(619)
Account Number – 7591464(ordinary account)
Account Name – Cecilia Kokusai Ongaku Konku-ru, Daihyo, Yoshikawa Asako

*Bank charge will be burden by the applicant.
*The paid fee can not be returned to you whatever the reason is.
*Please be sure to enter “Cecilia Kokusai Ongaku Konku-ru, Daihyo, Yoshikawa Asako” when sending money. Due to bank regulations, “Asako Yoshikawa” alone cannot send money.

* Contact
E-mail:cecilia2024music@gmail.com  Phone:080-5054-9888